Sunday, August 26, 2007

As a tribute to our good friend Mary:

I grabbed the name and address to prevent this site from being desecrated. We miss ya kiddo - this address is warm and waiting if you ever get the urge to return.

- John Good

Just adding my $.02... Mary, your wit, warmth, and creativity will be sorely missed. Thanks for helping us fight the good fight.

- Kvatch


Robert Rouse said...

Mary, anytime you decide to come back, you know each and every one of us will immediately let the rest of the Blogosphere know of your return.

We miss the little chick in the helmet.

enigma4ever said...

thank you for doing this John...I am so sad about this...I can not imagine not being able to let her know...that she is loved and so appreciated...

sumo said...

What a very sweet thing to do John. Mary will be sorely missed...she had a very positive outlook on her blog. I looked forward to it because she put the bad guys on notice...but did it with humor, conviction and cleverness. Mary...I hope you see this and realize that you did make a difference.

Sewmouse said...

Good Job, John.

Mary - we miss you already. Here's hoping you are having even 1/2 as much fun doing your RL things as we had reading and commenting with you - If you choose to return, there are lots of hugs waiting!

JM said...

Good move; as heartbreaking as it was to loose Mary from the blogosphere it would be worse if I clicked here and there was something that wasn't true to her legacy. Thanks for being the trustee; let's hope she has a change of heart at some point.

FreakyNick said...

Great idea. She will be missed.

robin andrea said...

I am so glad you did this, John. What a great idea. I was worried that her site would be taken over, and delighted to see that it has been in such a good and warm-hearted way. Hey Mary, I miss you!

azgoddess said...

ahhhhhhhh - damn it man...she can't be really gone...

ok ok - gone but never forgotten - thanks john for grabbing this!

John Good said...

WOW! Nice tweaking, Froggy! =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks John. Just trying to restore the original "look and feel". ;-)

John Good said...

You've restored this site to damned near what it looked like before she left - I commend you!

Anon-Paranoid said...

Yes, thank you again john. You too frog.

Please come back peacechick. We all miss you.

God Bless.

pissed off patricia said...

What happened? I thought Mary was mending due to her wrist injury. This is sad and I miss her. Thanks guys for what you are doing.

Like Robert Rouse, I miss that little chick with the attitude.

Robert said...

To my only commenter on my picture blog---I miss you.
I enjoyed your view on lifes ups and downs on your blog. Miss you a lot.

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

Great idea, John. And such a sweet thing to do.

Blueberry said...

That was mighty "thoughty" of you guys to rescue the space for her.

enigma4ever said...

Okay I am asking again...has anyone actually talked with we know if she is okay? I mean I know she was recovering from the arm injury....but that does not explain why she would ax her blog...please let us know here if you hear from her...

thanks again John and Kvatch for saving this space for her....maybe she will come back...

John Good said...

Enigma - That's the $100,000 question. . .it seems like we all have the same information, and none of it points to deletion of a blog. We're all waiting to here from Mary. Somewhere - somehow - someway. . .

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

Hopefully she will come back soon!

Dada said...

Quick thinking, John. Good work!

Mary said...

You two are the best! Glad you thought to do this for Peacechick Mary. I do hope she sees how well she is missed and appreciated.

BBC said...

Maybe she realized that having a blog was just not getting much done considering how much time one invests in it.

But saving it was a cool idea, although being as she deleted it she wouldn't have any reason to look at that address again and may not know that you 'restored' it.

Unless she checks your blog.

Pam said...

Peacechick mary - not blogging any more?

Very sad here.

Don't be a stranger, Mary.

beachblogger said...

thank you john. mary? we miss you. peace, peter

Lynn@ZelleBlog said...

Wow Mary's blog was one of my first along with Unbrainwashed,Bushmerika and Blognonymous.

I went and saw a link to this video of Jesus dancing to "I Will Survive" and I swear it made me laugh so hard I almost wet my pants.

Since then, Mary has been a funny "spirit lifter". Especially on those cynical days.

If she does come back I hope she sees how many people miss her.

Thanks Mary, for all your blogging and for being there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Peacechick Mary !!

I know, your hiding out because your voice was the reason Rove, Snow, Gonzo, Rummy, and the rest of them had to resign.

Thanks for the encouragement and thanks for sticking with me when everyone else walked away.


Donnie McDaniel said...

Great job John. Mary, you know we luv ya girl. Stop in and say hi sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Gee...I hope Mary is ok!
John you are a legend for doing this for her....Good on you!

I agree with everyone's sentiments, the lovely lady will be dearly missed and I agree that someone needs to chat with her.

It takes radical negative mindset to delete a blog...especially one that had such a following and mary had a network of real 'friends'.

I wish her warmth wherever she may be.

Snave said...

Thanks for blogging. I don't know why whenever I tried to link this site at mine it would show up blank on my template. Sigh...

I have also thought about hanging it up from time to time. I'm OCD and I have a tendency to become addicted to whatever presents itself... I know I'm addicted to blogging and to sitting at my computer, and I know I obsess over it. Lots of time has been spent doing this when I could be doing something more constructive for me and for my family. Should I join Blogaholics Anonymous? Nah. They probably use some kind of religion-based 12-step program!

Then there is the thing about not knowing if what we do on our blogs makes any difference at all in the world... kind of a "why do any of us bother with doing this?" It has been a good way to discuss issues, anyway.

Take care, come visit sometime.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

I second everyone. We miss you.

changeseeker said...

Good grief. I go underground for a month and return to find you gone. Please email me so that I can send you a phone number, Mary. You don't have to blog, but you're MUCH too loved to disappear without people being concerned. You've made me laugh when I didn't think I had a laugh left in me. I love you. Blessings.

Ziem said...

We miss you Mary, so very much! Just know that while we await your return, we are keeping up the good fight. Blessed be dear.

John, thanks for doing this. Please keep it going. I can't imagine clicking on this link and coming up with anything else. Hugs to you and the little chick in the helmet.

Frederick said...

Damn, good move John.

We miss you Mary, but I personally am excited to think what could be accomplished if we all walked away from the computer and took to the streets.

It's time.

TFLS said...

Been so busy with the campaign I hadn't had a chance to stop by in quite a while. I thought of Mary though – especially the other day when I saw those anti-Iraq protestors outside of O.J.'s house. I wondered if one of them was her. So I told myself I’d stop by this weekend and say howdy – but it seems she's gone, so I can’t. I must say - It's not like Mary to just disappear without a word. If any of you find anything out - please post it here. Take care, Mary. You are in my prayers.

Me said...

I had no idea Peacechick was gone. SHIT!!!

But Good Man, you did a good thing here.


Spadoman said...

Miss you Peacechick.

Michael Bains said...

I think that Mary knows how much folks like us have loved having her to go to for a good laugh while contemplating some highly Unfunny insanity. I'm thinkin' she's just doin' what she's gotta do to take care of herself.

Lotsa Love to you, Peacechick Mary! You've given much and deserve at least as much in return!

Lew Scannon said...

What the Hell? I go away for a couple of months and when I come back, everybody's gone! I used to come here all the time and had it bookmarked. Is Mary okay? Where did she go?

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...



Anon-Paranoid said...

Hey peacechick if your out there...

For you and yours...

Just wanted to wish you a Joyous Holiday Season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

God Bless.

Paul said...
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Anonymous said...
